Thursday 13 August 2009

Old Man's Rantings....

I have decided  to start listing random things that bug me...
  • Software companies that charge for software maintenance/upgrades to fix the bugs they left in there in the first place!!
  • Littlehampton Tip opening later at weekends 9am (due to site maintenance) instead of 8am, on the days that people that work during the week can actually attend. I want to get the tip run out of the way to enjoy the rest of my day and judging by the queues at that time it seems most other people want to do the same thing.
  • Random roundabout lane markings, the one where I live has changed 3 times and causes lots of confusion. Lets keep it that unless it is an actual filter lane that is sectioned off from the roundabout, that you can always go left or straight on in the left hand lane, the last thing I want to be worrying about when I am driving in an unknown town, is which bloomin lane should I be in for straight on, or at least sign post which lane I should be in before I get there instead of just marking the road just before the actual roundabout by which time you find out you are in the wrong lane!
  • Your call is important to us.... All our agents are busy right now, please call back later -Click! - another call charged for that I obtained no answer, what happened to not answering the phone if you can't take the call, at least I am not being charged! (Need I say more).
  • More to come ....

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